Boost your sales without commissions

MiniHotel Booking Engine

Take control of your direct sales with the MiniHotel booking engine. Reduce commissions or any other costs to zero.

The booking engine is connected to your PMS, this way you will avoid overbooking. Also, you can integrate it to your website.

booking engine mini hotel

Secure Online Payments

Our booking engine has more than 500(*) credit card providers and payment gateways.

The guest can pay with Stripe, Adyen, MercadoPago, Credit Cards, Debit Cards, Bank Transfer or any of our more than 500(*) suppliers.

* The number will depend on the additional integration you choose from the Marketplace.

Choose what do you need

Booking Engine + Website


Don’t have a website? Our partner Lobby Digital will design a page for your accommodation with the booking engine included.

Buy a Website

Buy your own website with the included booking engine.

Rent a Website

Rent a space on the website with the booking engine included.

Booking Engine + A.I.

Reservations with Artificial Intelligence

Your digital assistant will be able to talk to your clients almost like a human. Powered by our partner WeSpeak, you can include our booking engine, GTP Reservation Chat, on your website.

Get it now and receive 2 months free

The 2 months free apply only to our partner.